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New Battle Pass season: even more rewards!

Summer Sale!

Mods Digest: The First!


Changes related to armored vehicles and stationary machine guns.

This Battle Pass Season Has Been Extended

Fighters, we have extended the current season of the Battle Pass until June 23rd. Earn more awards of the current season and prepare for the new content of the next one! We’ll tell you what to expect next very soon.

Answering Your Questions about the Mission Editor

Update ( - Xbox, - PlayStation®)

With this update, the planned changes to explosive pack damage came into effect. Grenades and explosive packs have become more specialized weapons: grenades will work more effectively against infantry, and explosive packs remain as effective against armored vehicles, but their radius of damage against manpower is lower than that of grenades.


Update ( - Xbox, - PlayStation®)

Changes of some weapons' rate of fire and time to capture the strategic points in some missions.

D-Day Sale

A sale dedicated to the anniversary of the Allied landing in Normandy has begun in Enlisted. We’ve picked two bundles that are just perfect for this occasion and discounted them 50%. You can also expect a new event to start in Enlisted on D-Day. Fill up your ranks and keep an eye out for the news.

Meet the "Burning Sky" update!

Burning Sky: Part 2

National Resistance Day in France

Burning Sky: rocket tanks and new campaign levels

Create your own mission!